Home rule refers to a demand that constituent parts of a state be given greater self-government within the greater administrative purview of the central government.
In the United Kingdom, it has traditionally referred to self-government, or devolution, for constituent nations (namely Scotland, Wales and Ireland). Home rule also refers analogously to the process and mechanisms of self-government by municipalities in many countries with respect to their immediately superior level of government (e.g., U.S. states, in which context see special legislation). It can also refer to the similar system by which Greenland and the Faroe Islands are associated to Denmark.
In the British Empire, there were vigorous demands for Home Rule by activists in Ireland and India.
Home Rule is not however comparable with federalism. Whereas states in a federal system of government (e.g., Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America) have a guaranteed constitutional existence, a devolved home rule system of government is created by ordinary legislation and can be reformed, or even abolished by mere repeal or amendment of that ordinary legislation.

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